COVID Response

Committing to a healthier workplace for you

Wellbeing of Staff and Visitors

Exclude staff, volunteers and visitors who are unwell.

All staff have been instructed that they must not attend work with any symptoms of illness or general feelings of being unwell, until symptoms are resolved.

All contractors are required to declare that they don’t have any symptoms at the point of sign-in.


Provide staff with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning.

All staff are explained the COVID-19 information and training throughout their onboarding to the premise.

All staff have been briefed on the COVID-19 symptoms and instructions on when to get tested.

All staff have been briefed on physical distancing expectations with signage throughout the premise.

All staff are aware that high touch points are cleaned three times daily with Dettol or equivalent 70% alcohol sanitising product.


Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.

Staff are aware of their leave entitlements which is explained throughout their onboarding process.


Communicate regularly with staff to remind everyone that you should not attend work if unwell with respiratory symptoms or fever.

Encourage testing of all staff with symptoms in line with advice from Vic Health. If staff are unwell or have a temperature, they are asked to come to the office/floor. Staff are encouraged to get tested if they develop symptoms.


Encourage staff to access COVID-19 vaccination.

All staff are encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccination. All contractors must have proof of vaccination prior to commencing work at The Loft, in line with Vic Government Health guidelines.


Maintaining a safe and healthy distance

Shared workstations and shared office equipment should be wiped down with disinfectant surface wipes between users.

All workers are encouraged to wipe down and sanitise desks and workstations after use and follow the recommended guidelines on the signage provided.


Use flexible working arrangements at your discretion, such as working from home or other locations.

All staff have been instructed to use their discretion and work from home when it’s appropriate. We encourage staff to work from home if deemed a close contact exempt from quarantine and feeling symptoms of illness/being unwell.


Consider physical, distance or other controls to protect staff and visitors at physical interaction points such as counters or service desks, to maintain social distancing.

The Loft strongly encourages members, staff and visitors to be mindful of personal space and social distancing across all areas.

Signage is located in all common areas reminding our community about prioritising personal space.


Staff have been instructed to allow adequate space when communicating with customers or team members.

Support 1.5m physical distancing where possible to reduce risk.

All staff have been briefed on physical distancing.

All desks/workstations are purposefully staggered or separated to maintain a comfortable distance.


Delivery protocols are in place.

Our staff must not breach the 1.5m social distancing requirement in any dealing with delivery drivers.


Ensure that people allow personal space in lifts and lift waiting areas so far as reasonably practicable; display signs near lifts to advise and keeping a safe distance.

Elevator and lift lobby signage is in place to indicate limits. Limits on numbers of people permitted in lifts are displayed in the lift lobby and within lift cars.

Hygiene and Cleaning

Provide alcohol-based hand sanitiser at multiple locations throughout the workplace, including entry and exit points.

Hand sanitisers are available in the lobby, reception and common areas. The Loft have use at minimum 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer for all floors.


Provide disinfectant surface wipes to clean workstations and equipment such as phones, keyboard and mouse.

Disinfectant surface wipes are provided to staff. Staff are briefed on disinfecting their phones, keyboard and mouse on an ongoing basis.


Clean surfaces thoroughly, particularly all high contact areas such as doors, handles, kitchen surfaces, bathroom surfaces, printers and lifts with appropriate cleaning agents.

Enhanced and higher frequency cleaning of common areas and high touch points has been implemented via our specialist cleaning services provider.


Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels, and consider putting up posters with instructions on how to wash hands.

Bathrooms are well stock with hand soap and paper towels. Distancing reminders and hand washing signs are present.


Clean frequently used areas at least daily with detergent or disinfectant. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces several times per day.

High touch points are cleaned three times daily with Dettol or equivalent 70% alcohol sanitising product.

Maintain disinfectant solutions at an appropriate strength and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

The Loft have use at Dettol or equivalent 70% alcohol sanitising product.


Staff are to wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water.

Staff are briefed on hand hygiene and to wear gloves when cleaning. Gloves are provided in the kitchen for staff.


In indoor areas, increase natural ventilation by opening windows and doors where possible, and increase mechanical ventilation where possible by optimising air conditioning or other system settings (such as by maximising the intake of outside air and reducing or avoiding recirculation of air).

Air conditioning strategies have been reviewed and ample ventilation is being provided. Outside air rates per person are further boosted by lower occupancy at the present time.

Additional safety measures

Behavioural signage.

New, printed signs are installed throughout our spaces, providing guidance and clear instructions on new best practices. You’ll find them in print nooks, hot desks, lounges, meeting rooms, nooks, phone booths, hallways, community areas, elevator lobbies, pantries, and bathrooms.

Reporting a Covid-19 case.

If you or an employee has a confirmed case of COVID-19 in your space, please contact your Community Management team immediately.  We ask that individuals with a confirmed case of COVID-19 do not return to The Loft until they have satisfied the VIC government criteria of seven-day isolation.


While restrictions have eased for large gatherings and events, we are still mindful of the health and safety of all involved for all of our community, networking, fitness and wellness events. We employ additional hygiene and cleaning measures, follow capacity guidelines if necessary and encourage all attendees to prioritise personal space where possible. Should you have any questions or concerns about events within The Loft, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Community Management Team.

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